Plenary Lectures
Dr. Christer B. Aakeröy
University Distinguished Professor of Chemistry
Department of Chemistry
Kansas State University
"Crystal engineering from molecules to materials"
Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Director Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry
"Porous coordination polymers: from synthesis and structure to functional properties"
Dr. Marc Fourmigué
Matière Condensée et Systèmes Electroactifs (MaCSE)
Institut des Sciences Chimiques de Rennes (ISCR)
"Halogen-bonded co-crystals: implications in crystal engineering and molecular conductors"
Invited Lectures
Department of Chemistry and Polymer Science
Stellenbosch University
Private Bag X1,
Matieland, 7602,
Stellenbosch, South Africa
"Host-guest systems based on the pamoate ion"
Professor Stephen Loeb
University Professor
Canada Research Chair
University of Windsor
“MIMs in MOFs: Organizing Mechanically Interlocked Molecules Inside Metal-organic Frameworks”
Professor John Wallis
Head of Organic Chemistry
School of Science & Technology
Nottingham Trent University
“Interactions and Reactions Between Substituents in Peri-Naphthalene Systems – Crystallography, Charge Densities and Solid State NMR Studies”